Our Core Values




1. His Presence

  • .Jesus promised to never leave us or forsake us and His Spirit abides with us.
  • We value His Presence and we expect His Presence to be “manifest and felt” when we worship Him in the Spirit.
  • His Presence empowers everything that we do

2. Love as he loves us

  • We seek to love others as Jesus loves us.
  • His unconditional love for us empowers everything that we do.
  • We honor one another and value each person’s calling and role in the family.
  • Our Church is a real family and we seek to share life together as a family.
  • We experience the Father’s love and His unlimited goodness toward us.

3. empowered By the spirit

  • We hear God’s voice through the Word and the Spirit and we practice “listening prayer” – by hearing His voice and speaking into the lives of others what we have heard.
  • We believe and seek to operate in all of the fruit and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
  • “Everyone can play” and every believer has a valued role in our Church family.

4. good news of god's grace

  • We teach and preach the New Covenant and the finished work of Christ Jesus.
  • All of our sins have been forgiven in Christ.
  • By grace, through faith in Christ, we are right with God and holy now.

5. Kingdom-minded and missionary focused

  • We seek to equip and empower disciples of Jesus – one person as a time.
  • There is One King and one Kingdom, with many churches. We bless and work with other churches. We bless those who choose to leave us to join other churches.
  • We obey the “Go” of the Gospel to our lost world around us by seeking to live as “missionaries” - by sharing our story and the good news in the power of the Spirit.
  • We seek to practice “power evangelism” through the gifts of the Spirit.
  • We remember those in prison by serving the men in Everglades Correctional Institute.

6. Biblical Authority

  • We believe the Bible is true, reliable and relevant for our lives today.
  • We believe the Bible is inspired by God and is God’s Word to us today.
  • Our foundation for our faith is the Bible, not a religious tradition.

7. Naturally Supernatural

  • We live by faith in the power of God for our daily lives without hype or drama.
  • We expect to experience God’s power working in our day to day lives.
  • We believe that every believer in Christ is called to continue the ministry of Jesus.